Published on
August 2, 2019

Buone ferie da tutti noi di GMDE!

Published on
2019-08-02 00:00:00

Saremo chiusi per ferie ma sempre a vostra disposizione! [ ITALIAN VERSION ONLY ]

After participating in a lot of events, welcomed the boys of the academy, changed location (keep free for the inauguration) we close for holidays! But we only do it for a few days.
In the week of August 12 to 16 we will be closed for holidays. Assistance will be provided exclusively for customers with active service contracts.
In addition, the remote support LIVE services for the systems and prepress areas will be operational, contactable to the following references:

Tel. +39 0396091790

Support for Systems:

Support Prepress:


Happy holidays to all!!

Carlo, Dario, Enio, Gilberto, Gianluca, Nicola, Davide, Lucia, Gianmarco, Massimiliano, Davide, Simone, Davide, Alberto, Sergio, Stefano, Gigi, Alberto, Bledar, Mauro, Saverio, Giuliana, Roberta, Michelangelo, Roberto, Nidal, Roberta, Sabrina, Luca, Fabio, Antonio, Alessandro, Matteo, Angela, Alessandro, Beppe, Daniel, Iacopo, Marco, Emanuele.




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