GMDE plus

GMDE plus

Certifications and new services to be even more customer support. Data security, process and process control, GMDE certified technicians as Innovation Manager are just some of the PLUS for you!

Image ISO 9001 Certification

ISO 9001 Certification

The abbreviation ISO 9000 identifies a series of regulations and guidelines that define the requirements for the realization within an organization of a quality management system. The purpose of this certification is to control the business processes, improve the effectiveness and efficiency and in the realization of a product and in the provision of a service to obtain and increase customer satisfaction.
GMDE is ISO 9001 certified

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ISO 27001 Certification

ISO 27001 certification (Information technology - Safety techniques - Information safety management systems - Requirements) is an international regulation that defines the requirements to set up and manage an information security management system and includes aspects related to logical, physical and organizational security. GMDE is ISO 27001 certified

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Image ISO 27001 Certification
Image ISO 56002 Certification

ISO 56002 Certification

ISO 56002 is a standard that promotes within companies some basic cultural principles common to companies that bring innovation. It is a useful guide to understand how analysing and evaluating innovation can generate a new and accessible model on strategic business management. The model also makes it possible to focus on risks, opportunities and waste reduction, creating profitable and long-term economic results.
GMDE is compliant with ISO 56002.

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Uni PdR 125:2022 certification

UNI/PdR 125:2022 certification helps organisations promote gender equality, transform corporate culture and develop a strategic vision through a virtuous process. An approach that improves and enhances individual and organisational performance, bringing out different personal and professional characteristics to renew and update the company's economy and competitiveness. GMDE is UNI PdR 125:2022 certified.

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Image Uni PdR 125:2022 certification
Image Legality rating

Legality rating

The legality rating is a synthetic indicator of the compliance of companies with high standards of legality upon request.
May require the attribution of the rating companies that cumulatively meet the following requirements: headquarters in Italy, minimum turnover of two million euro, registration in the register of companies for at least two years, compliance with the other substantive requirements of the Regulation.
GMDE has obtained 2 stars

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Innovation Manager

Budget Law 2019 introduced the figure of the Manager Innovation whose task is to be able to contribute to the technological acceleration of a company and guide its change, as well as increase its competitiveness. At GMDE, 10 are the Innovation Managers made available to follow companies.

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Image Innovation Manager
Image Management and organisation model

Management and organisation model

GMDE adopts Model 231, the organizational risk management model that increases the Legality Rating. The Risk Management Organisational Model 231/2001 is a voluntary tool that GMDE has adopted to prevent a series of risks related to the performance of its activities. In addition, the strong connection of Model 231 with the Rating of Legality ensures the company some benefits, both organizational and in relations with the PA.

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MEPA Supplier

Law No 145 of 30 December 2018 provides that central and peripheral governments are required to use the electronic market of the public administration for purchases relating to goods and services. Becoming a supplier within the Public Administration Electronic Market is possible through two certification stages. GMDE, thanks to the certifications ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and to the organizational model 231, is supplier MEPA.

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Image MEPA Supplier
Image Newspaper Distribution

Newspaper Distribution

ACI Informatica S.p.A. since 1 September 2008 has established its own Register of Suppliers of goods and services and subsequently has also established its own Register of Collaborators. The Register of Suppliers and the Register of Collaborators constitute the archive in which are collected all the information, general and specific, relating to suppliers/collaborators who have been found to meet the requirements of current legislation on the entrustment of public contracts.
GMDE is ACI supplier.

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I4.0 Supplier

The Digital Business Points (Pids) of the Lombard Chambers of Commerce have finalized the creation of a tool to support companies that require specialist advice in the technological fields provided by the national plan Enterprise 4.0. The inclusion in the list of suppliers I4.0 will also facilitate the identification of such subjects as suppliers of services and technologies I4.0 in the context of the calls for applications of digitization and digitization of. and activities promoted by the Pids of Lombardy and Unioncamere Lombardy from 2020. GMDE is supplier I4.0

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Image I4.0 Supplier
Image Call 4 Bids

Call 4 Bids

News! --> New advisory service dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises, whose objective is to support companies in access to non-refundable funding provided by national and regional calls (mise, CCIAA, Region).
GMDE offers itself as a consultant, also strong of the certification like Innovation Manager obtained from the inner staff, in the support to the PMI for all the phase of Project Management.

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