Published on
July 5, 2024

Integration of Gender Equality policies with Quality policies

Published on
2024-07-05 00:00:00

UNI PdR 125:2022 Certification on Gender Equality

The topic of 'Gender Equality' has practically unlimited boundaries.


We are not just talking about trivial organisational issues and the balance between women and men at work; we are not just talking about ensuring equal opportunities and equal career and salary developments; we are talking about a cultural change, a change of mentality, a different attitude of everyone towards the subject (which is a real opportunity for growth for the entire community), about changing the perspective of 'sustainable coexistence' in the company.


And not only that.
It is a question of extending the concept of 'man-woman' equality to gender inclusion in the broadest sense of the term precisely because we are experiencing an irreversible cultural and social change (fortunately!) and, therefore, one that is difficult to manage.
And it is with these issues that companies, today, are called upon to deal.
No longer just turnover. A company is valued for its internal 'liveability' from all points of view, security (of people and information), and sustainability and inclusion.


So, the question for entrepreneurs and managers is, "How can we put this into practice?"
Many companies, like GMDE, have been working in this direction for years.
GMDE, in particular, boasts several certifications and attestations: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2022, ISO 56002, and alignment to ESG ratings. It is also attentive to regulations concerning the Security of both Personnel and the data processed in the solutions it offers the market.
These certifications and attestations determine, in a general sense, GMDE's orientations and strategies to guarantee stability and security to the personnel and sustainability and competitive services to the market, as well as to promote coexistence and the valorisation of diversity among people.


It is precisely with this in mind that GMDE has started the process of UNI PdR 125:2022 certification in compliance with regulations and concerning human rights.

La UNI PdR 125:2022 ha l’obbiettivo di “guidare” il percorso di cambiamento culturale e organizzativo che assorbe grandi energie sia tra i manager che tra tutto il personale, ma è la prima grande sfida che GMDE ha scelto di affrontare.

Perché valorizzare la diversità è una nuova grande opportunità di crescita culturale, sociale e di business.



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