Published on
August 8, 2024

GMDE UNI/PdR 125:2022 certified

Published on
2024-08-08 00:00:00

Gender equality certification: an important new milestone for GMDE

GMDE recently received the UNI/PdR 125:2022 certification for gender equality from the certification body TÜV Thüringen. After obtaining ISO 9001, ISO 27001, and compliance with ISO 56002, this new certification focuses on people and the working environment.

The areas of evaluation

GMDE was assessed in the six areas provided by the certifying body: corporate culture and strategy, governance, HR processes, opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in the company, gender pay equity, parental protection, and work-life balance. These areas consider all the work and personal aspects that characterise every employee's life.

We at GMDE

GMDE has 30 years of experience as a provider of technology to support communication. Founded by four publishing specialists, the company has grown not only in the development of technical skills but also in the social and human aspects. Today, more than fifty people work together every day.
In addition to being GMDE employees, fifty people have their own lives, each different from the other, with family needs, growth goals, and personal relationships with colleagues, partners and customers. Each person at GMDE brings their value to the office, being valuable precisely because of their uniqueness.
"Congratulations. It is the first time since the certification began that I have received such positive feedback from a company's employees. People are satisfied with their work and with their colleagues; they feel valued and secure."


The certification body found this after reviewing the documentation submitted by the steering committee and conducting individual interviews with GMDE employees.
The Uni/PdR 125:2022 certification gives GMDE, which considers people to be the real added value, the awareness that it is a company unlike any other, investing time and energy not only towards its customers but, above all, its employees. In the coming months, the assessment areas will be monitored to ensure continued growth to renew the certification for 2025.



The customers with whom GMDE works daily are more than 100 and... they are all satisfied

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