
Gender equalityinitiatives underway: GMDE's commitment to a fair and inclusive future

Published on
2024-05-27 10:39:24

Advancing women’s roles in the company

In a constantly evolving world, gender equality is increasingly recognized as a crucial goal to ensure fairness and inclusivity. GMDE, a leader in its industry, places gender equality at the heart of its strategies, demonstrating a solid commitment to creating a more balanced work environment.


GMDE’s role and support from the Lombardy Region

Recently, the Lombardy Region approved the "Gender Equality" project, a significant initiative reflecting a growing regional commitment to promoting gender equity in businesses. GMDE has enthusiastically embraced this project, voluntarily seeking the specific  UNI/PdR 125:2022 certification to enhance women's roles and create an inclusive workplace where everyone has equal opportunities for growth and professional development.


Positive impacts of GMDE’s gender equality policies

The gender equality policies implemented by GMDE have yielded tangible results, including an increase in female representation at all corporate levels and an improvement in company culture. This has led to greater employee satisfaction and increased productivity and creativity.


A model to follow

GMDE’s commitment to gender equality serves as a commendable example that should be emulated by all companies wishing to create a fairer and more inclusive work environment and attract top talent. With practical strategies and ongoing commitment, it is possible to build a future where everyone has equal opportunities for success and professional fulfilment.

Gender equality is not just a matter of social justice but a smart business strategy that benefits all levels of the organisation. 

Looking forward

Investing in gender equality initiatives enhances the work environment and contributes to the company’s overall economic success, demonstrating that inclusive policies can benefit socially and economically. As GMDE continues to lead the change toward greater gender equality, the journey toward equality requires a collective effort. Today's actions improve the current situation and lay a solid foundation for a fairer workplace for future generations.



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