Consultancy for participation in calls for grants
GMDE launches a new advisory service dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises, the aim of which is to support companies in access to non-refundable funding provided by national and regional calls (mise, CCIAA, Regione).
How the service works
The service proposed by GMDE is divided into 5 phases:
- Scouting: 360° overview of the issuing bodies;
- Verification of requirements: match between the requirements of the contract and the characteristics of the project of the client that is the subject of the request for funding;
- Design and appraisal: study and feasibility of the practice and documentation necessary to participate in the tender, transmission to the provider and monitoring results
- Project Management: state of progress of the project, aimed at the respect of the times indicated by the call, penalty the revocation of the funding
- Reporting: drawing up of the verification and final outcome of the project foreseen by the call and aimed at confirming the funding at the end of the work
Mise and Voucher for innovation
MISE, also for 2020, proposes again the Voucher for consulting projects in the innovation of
the processes of the technological and digital transformation of SMEs and business networks. The Voucher for consulting in innovation supports
Italian SMEs and business networks that adopt
technological and digital transformation processes, using qualified consulting companies at MISE and able to modernize the management and organizational structure of the company itself, implementing systems and procedures in the field of
digitization of business processes.
Who can request the Voucher for innovation
The consultant voucher of the Innovation Manager can be accessed by companies operating all over the country and the networks of companies composed of at least three SMEs, as indicated by the Ministerial Decree. However, such undertakings must meet certain requirements, including:
- qualify as a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise;
- have its registered office and/or local unit operating in the national territory and be registered in the Register of Companies of the Chamber of Commerce with territorial competence;
- comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements;
In addition to:
- effective and stable collaboration with the Innovation Manager;
- a network contract of any companies involved in which the strategic objectives of innovation are defined;
- the involvement of suitable companies to carry out the proposed project.
Eligible expenditure and arrangements for providing advisory services
The costs incurred for the development and support
of processes of innovation, technological transformation and digital through the application of one or more of the enabling technologies provided by Legislative Decree No 152 of 7/5/2019 are eligible, including integration and digital development of business processes.
Specialized advisory services must be provided by a consultancy firm and an innovation manager qualified MISE. Duration of specialist advisory services (project implementation) not less than nine months.