Published on
January 19, 2021

Tax concessions and financing in support of Italian companies for the year 2021

Published on
2021-01-19 15:07:02

Update shared by GMDE’s Call4Bids service

The initiatives of the State continue and multiply in support of Italian companies to relaunch the economy and the new organizational models needed to face and manage the ongoing health emergency.


Call4Bids, the specific consulting service offered by GMDE, supports Micro and Small Enterprises in the selection of available funds to implement new projects and initiatives and in the preliminary and final reporting phase of the project.

2020 was a year that put a strain on Italian companies, as well as people.
The Italian State, and in particular the Ministry of Economic Development MiSE had already put in place useful initiatives to support the development of the Italian productive fabric.  Some of these have been confirmed even for the year just begun, a sign that the desire to give tools of growth and livelihood to companies remains.
We would also like to remind you that the Call4bids service, designed to report these activities, can be of support to companies in accessing non-repayable funding provided by national and regional calls (MiSE, CCIAA, Region).

We report below the most relevant tax credits for the markets that GMDE follows as a technology provider:

  • Tested tax credit in digital formate: is awarded to publishing companies for expenses incurred in acquiring server, hosting and broadband services for digital titles;
  • Investment tax credit in capital goods: the application scope is extended to intangible non Industry 4.0 assets;
  • R&D & I&D tax credit: strengthening research, development, IT and design;
  • Capital goods “Nuova Sabatini”: facilitation made available by the Ministry of Economic Development. That supports the investment purchase in leasing of machinery, equipment, plant, capital goods for productive use and hardware, as well as software and digital technologies;

  • Digital Vouchers: to support the technological and digital transformation processes of SMEs and enterprise networks;
  • Digital Transformation: facilitating intervention aimed at supporting the technological and digital transformation of the production processes of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.


--> IMPORTANT: Tax credits can be combined with other incentives and tax benefits, such as those promoted by the MISE, the Regions and the Chambers of Commerce (CCIAA).

For the correct reporting of the facilities, Call4Bids needs information such as: ATECO code, place of business and size of the company (employees, annual turnover, balance sheet total).


Useful information

  • As part of the Next Generation EU plan, Italy will receive EUR 205 billion between 2021 and 2026 for the economic and social recovery of the country after the pandemic. This plan will also have a positive impact on tax relief and financing to support companies as well as for initiatives to strengthen and develop the Italian Country System.
  • In the study phase Publishing 5.0, with useful incentives for the digital transition and the introduction of new professional figures.


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