Published on
January 21, 2022

Catalogue layout and production optimized for Gio'Style

Published on
2022-01-21 00:00:00

New catalogs and marketing materials made in less time!

The organization of product information is the basis of the optimization of all communication processes. Precisely for this reason, Gio 'Style has recognized GMDE as the right partner in the path of change in content management.

An always up-to-date data source

Gio'Style products, very simple in their appearance, however, have a lot of information to accompany them. Information relating to the composition of the materials and their use in both high and low temperatures must be reported on each communication channel adopted by Gio'Style.

The main lines of Gio'Style "at home" and "away from home", allow customers to make the first filter on the products and then proceed with the choice of the product they are looking for. The types of products range from portable electric refrigerators to reusable cutlery.

Data structuring and automatic pagination

GMDE proposed to Gio'Style a solution capable of structuring the product data in the best possible way in order to then be able to layout them using Adobe Indesign, the largest layout application on the market, with drastically reduced times. Thanks to its experience in content management, GMDE was able to immediately indicate the best solution to reduce the production time of all marketing materials, from the complete catalogue to the individual product sheets, also providing training and support for the use of the technology.


The Gio'Style brand

It was born in 1949 producing plastic components for the first domestic refrigerators. Therefore, the link between the cold and the preservation of food has always been inseparable. The economic boom of the 60s led to extraordinary transformations in the lifestyle of the Italians, cars began to spread allowing greater freedom. Gio'Style understands and anticipates change, becomes the forerunner of the outdoors by developing wonderful products, from portable refrigerators to thermal water bottles, with an unrivalled design and quality.

After more than 70 years from its birth, Gio'Style is still a reference brand in the outdoor and home products sector.

Our products still stand out today for their unique design, style and build quality. Gio'Style products are designed to store, prepare, serve and transport food and drinks in total safety.

Gio'Style is a dynamic and incomparable brand with a long tradition.


GMDE, Your Publishing Solutions Provider

From the experience gained in the publishing sector, GMDE has brought in its proposal to small and medium-sized enterprises technologies capable of organizing product information, digital assets, and having full control over communication channels. Modular solutions that can be integrated with each other to bring companies to have a unique ecosystem dedicated to communication, an ecosystem in which new strategies for contacting end customers, resellers and partners can always be developed.



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