
Discover Pimcore Copilot: Optimize your everyday tasks!

Published on
2024-06-28 11:54:55

Reduce time, errors, and costs with integrated automation offered by GMDE and Pimcore

Pimcore Copilot is an innovative tool designed to automate and simplify all business operations related to information and product asset management. Integrating advanced features offers users a wide range of actions to improve efficiency and promote innovation. 


Pimcore Copilot features: 

Advanced Automation  

Copilot allows you to set up automated actions running in the background, enhancing operational efficiency. These "Automation Actions" include generating data variants, sending notifications, and managing file relationships. 

Real-Time Interaction  

The "Interaction Actions" enable users to interact in real-time with Copilot, refining and approving results before their application. This is particularly useful for generating texts, translations, and interactive images, leveraging artificial intelligence. 

Configuration and Customization  

Copilot is highly configurable, with preset implementations that can be easily adapted to users' specific needs. Integrated help guides administrators through the various configuration options, making the process intuitive and quick. 

Integration with Third-Party Systems  

Copilot supports integration with various external services, including ERP, CRM, and Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning systems. This allows for centralized and automated business operations management, improving interoperability between systems. 



Thanks to Pimcore Copilot, every company can achieve benefits such as: 

·             Operational Efficiency: Automates repetitive tasks, reducing execution times and minimizing errors. 

·             Flexibility: Adaptable to different business needs thanks to its customization capabilities. 

·             Integration: Facilitates interoperability with other business systems, centralizing operations. 

·             Multilingual Support: Optimized content management in various languages, improving SEO and global communication. 



PIM (Product Information Management) and DAM (Digital Asset Management) modules already present within Pimcore's DXP provide significant support in managing product information. The integration of Pimcore Copilot represents a further powerful tool for companies looking to improve operational efficiency and promote innovation. With its advanced features of automation, interaction, and integration, Copilot easily adapts to each company's specific needs, offering significant added value. 


Contact GMDE today to learn how Pimcore Copilot can revolutionize your business operations. 



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