Published on
December 29, 2020

Goodbye 2020?

Published on
2020-12-29 00:00:00

Report of a very special year!

Finally, this 2020 is coming to an end. It is a common thought. It has been a year that has proved particularly challenging, which has upset the lives of everyone, no one excluded.
And yet, despite everything, we are pleased to confirm that for GMDE it has been a year full of news, events, projects.
A sign that the commitment and tenacity combined with the professionalism of all our colleagues and collaborators have been rewarded by those who every day know they can count on a unique team. Who, despite the fears common to all of being able to contract the virus during the course of his work, has never flinched and with all precautions of the case has never failed his support.


Smart Working Mood

One thing that has definitely changed is the way we work. We talked a lot about smart working, we at GMDE have practically never stopped working, alternating in the office, overseeing the printing centres, starting new projects of digitization of companies. 
Supporting the opening of new editorial offices or accompanying existing ones in the change of working mode although the technology was already adequate and in use for a long time.
We also brilliantly passed the renewal of ISO 9000 and 27001 certifications but also confirmed the official certification of Digital Innovators issued by the Mise (Ministry of Economic Development).

Prepress and printing, we love you

Anyone who knows GMDE knows we have prepress in DNA. 
Precisely for these, we have supported throughout the year the major national printing centres of newspapers and commercial who have chosen not to stop in this particular year but rather invest to bring technological innovation in their production flows and then prepare for the time to a decidedly different future, accelerated by the pandemic. Important projects were made possible by international partners; AGFA and NELA in prepress; QIPC and EAE directly in the press room; GBZ Print Service on all with the supply of spare parts for each type of pressroom equipment, including distribution chains of newspapers from press to shipment.

But it was also the year of GMDE’s definitive entry into the flexo printing market.
A decision also prompted by the choice to facilitate the technological evolution of this increasingly crucial sector given the transformation of the consumer market. 
GMDE wants to help the definitive passage to a way of producing ECO-FRIENDLY with the ban of products based on solvents harmful to the environment and health of professionals. This is also a way of bringing new, more and more zero-impact solutions to commercial printing.

Digital First, Neutral Content, Multichannel

It was the year of the first Digital First newspaper with La Regione di Bellinzona; of the first installation and remote training with Novi Glass, the weekly newspaper of Gorizia; of the support to Stile Italia Edizioni, with the acquisition of Mondadori’s magazines; the digital publication of ACI’s L'Automobile; the new format of L'Osservatore Romano; and many other publishing projects!

Digital Transformation and PIM, must-have of the year

GMDE beyond the above has long supported more and more companies in their choice to deal with Digital Transformation.
Thanks to the many years of experience in the management of even very complex information flows and the recent strategic partnership with Pimcore, GMDE has been able during the year to realize several projects of great innovative impact.
Thanks to the adoption of the PIM, the "must-have" of the year, we brought innovation in La Meccanica, a company specialized in the production of pellet machines; speeded up the production of printables for Sottolestelle, an Apulian company producing BIO food products; signed a project with B&B Italia, which will be concluded in the next year and much less so that we list here to not take away space to the other areas of the relevance of GMDE all important and all equally strategic for the future of the company.

Events and sponsorships

The events were perhaps the most mistreated area of 2020 due to the succession of decrees and restrictions have pushed the organizers to look for alternatives online, some really incredibly successful with peaks of over 1000 contemporary presences, others less.


GMDE, however, as anticipated in the opening, has not spared any commitment and participation and was present in several initiatives all marked by change and technological innovation of the productive fabric of the country.
We opened an important partnership with the Digital Observatories, a spin-off of the Politecnico di Milano, and participated in the following events:

  • Web Marketing Festival, the festival dedicated to innovation and digital, which this year was held entirely online and twice!;  
  • Omnichannel Customer Experience, the observatory dedicated to customer experience research; 
  • Digital Content, the latest observatory born in the Digital Observatories, which wanted to quantify the digital content market. 



The New Year will also be full of projects and events and we at GMDE are looking forward to telling you about every little success. 
Our site, also made with innovative technologies and absolutely in line with the state of the art in SEO management, will become even more the means to reach you and talk about innovative technological solutions, projects of Digital Transformation, and new partnerships. Because we haven’t told you yet, we already have a little surprise in store for you.



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