
Publishing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Published on
2024-06-10 00:00:00

Annual meeting organised by ASIG, FIEG and Osservatorio Quotidiani 'Carlo Lombardi

June 18, 2024
Savoia Hotel Regency - Bologna
Ediland Meeting 2022 si svolgerà presso il Centro Congressi del Savoia Hotel Regency di Bologna. Il Savoia Hotel Regency si trova a Bologna in Via del Pilastro 2. 

The annual meeting is held for publishers and printers in the daily news sector. It aims to provide a current snapshot of the market and create a discussion between all players in the newspaper production chain.


Tuesday, 18 June

14:30 - Registration of participants
15:00 - Opening Greetings

Andrea Riffeser Monti, FIEG President
Stefano Scarpino, ASIG President
15:15 - Trends in the publishing industry in Italy and worldwide
Sergio Vitelli, ASIG Secretary
15:45 - Digital Tools for Publishing - Session I
- Massimo Barsotti, CMO & CPO, Eidosmedia
- Tarjei Gilbrant, CEO, Kilkaya - Paolo Zanzottera, Editoriale Nazionale
- Paolo Lorenzon, Business Development, Willbit
- Fabrizio Riva, Sales Director Italy, Atex
16:45 - Coffee break
17:00 - Digital Tools for Publishing - Session II

- Marta Rocamora, Regional Sales Manager - America, Marfeel
- David Sancha, CIO, Hiberus
- Mauro Toselli, CTO, GMDE
- Giancarlo Vanoni, CEO, Tecnavia
18:00 - Artificial Intelligence in newspapers
- Alessandro Barberi, Deputy General Manager and Operations, ANSA
- Karen Nahum, Dir.Gen. Publishing & Digital, Il Sole 24 Ore
- Massimo Sideri, Envoy and Editorialist, Corriere della Sera
- Romolo Velati, CTO Transitional to Digital and Innovation, Editoriale Nazionale
19:00 - End of work
20:00 - Convivial dinner by the pool

Wednesday 19 June


9:15 - Focus on the advertising market
Massimo Martellini, FCP President
9:45 - Press topics overview
Ingi Rafn Olafsson, Dir. WPF, WAN-IFRA
10:15 - Coffee break
10:30 - Print raw material cost trends, printing plant optimisation, distribution methods
- Carlo Caporizzi, Managing Director, GMDE

- Andrea Mannoni, Sales Manager, Fujifilm
- Roberto Locatelli, MDIS A.D. - Operations Director, RCS Media Group
- Cristiano Artoni, Managing Director, Artoni Group
- Dario De Cian, General Manager CSQ
11:45 - The 2024 Report on the newspaper industry in Italy Newspapers
- Paolo Polidori, President "Carlo Lombardi" Newspapers Observatory
12:00 - Work in the age of Artificial Intelligence FIEG-Editori-Stampatori-OO.SS.
- Alessandra Costante, FNSI, General Secretary
- Stefano De Alessandri, FIEG, Trade Union Relations Advisor
- Giulia Guida, Segr. Naz.le SLC-CGIL
- Roberta Musu, National Secretary UIL Communication
- Paolo Gallo, National Secretary FISTEL-CISL
- Vito Ribaudo, RCS MediaGroup, Italy HR, Organisation and Development Director
13:00 - Work conclusion and light lunch

For more information and to register, visit the dedicated page on the Ediland website.



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