Published on
July 16, 2020

Agfa presents a new version of Arkitex Production

Published on
2020-07-16 12:10:31

Workflow management software designed for newspaper printers

Arkitex Production v4.0 takes a further step towards simplifying and automating the workflow in newspaper printing, allowing printers to save time and money. The latest version aims to ensure timely plate delivery through enhanced integration with printing machine management systems and includes multi-tenant functions as well as planning and monitoring improvements. Use on the cloud ensures total continuity of operations.

Mortsel, Belgium - June 2020

Multi-tenant functions

Arkitex Production 4.0 supports multiple tenants on a single server, allowing them to access and use the same software modules (such as rip, imposition, ink preset values and more). Each tenant is able to manage their users, permissions, plate layouts and products, and can only view their own publications and models. These are important functions in both local and cloud-based workflow management solutions, where different centres share hardware and resources, preserving data security and workflow control.

Timely delivery of plates

The overall decrease in print runs, the consolidation of printing plants and the increase in external work are leading to an increase in print volumes and the frequency of plate changes.

The close integration of Arkitex Production 4.0 with printing machine management systems and plate production systems enables timely plate delivery to the printing machine. In this way, the plates can be produced more quickly and reach the correct printing tower at the right time.

The print operator, often responsible for both prepress and printing, can manage the entire workflow from one place. You can also opt for the automatic release of the plates as soon as the stacker containers for subsequent printing become available. This increases printing efficiency and reduces downtime.

For Mainpost, a German media group (Würzburg, Germany), the purchase of new printing machines has led to new requirements in the area of plate workflow. The company has connected to Arkitex not only Agfa’s plate production systems but also punching and bending systems and plate sorting units, moving them all near the printing console. "Now the plates are delivered on time to the printing towers. This allows us to save time and costs and production stability has increased," said Thomas Gabel, Production Manager at Main post Center in Würzburg, Germany. "Thanks to this investment, we are now ready to face the future".

Improved planning and monitoring and fan-out compensation

The renewed GUI of Arkitex Production presents many improvements in terms of planning, state communication and workflow monitoring.

With a single click, the new Edition Planning Wizard allows operators to use an existing product model to quickly create a new edition plan. By automation of plans you can, a set number of days before production, automatically generate a plan based on the model. The models differ depending on the days of the week and, once the plan is created, users can make changes to adapt it to the specific differences.

In addition, the production monitoring function from a single display has been improved. New visual indicators shall inform the operator of any action to be taken, such as the approval of a plate. The ability to easily filter the various queues according to criteria such as the number and version of pages, work status or time interval allows users to focus more easily on complex tasks.

Finally, due to the increase in web prints, the fan-out function that moves and scales separations by print position has also been updated in order to allow a more precise adjustment of the images.

A solution designed for newspaper printing

"Today more than ever, the adoption of a simple, reliable and automated workflow by newspaper printing centres is crucial in order to meet everyday challenges and remain competitive," noted Rainer Kirschke, Market Manager Newspapers at Agfa. "Our commitment to supporting the newspaper printing industry is unshakeable. Arkitex Production v4.0 has many features that can increase operational efficiency by reducing costs". 

About Agfa

Agfa develops, manufactures and distributes a wide range of imaging systems and workflow solutions for the printing industry, the healthcare industry and particular hi-tech industries such as printed electronics and renewable energy solutions.

The head office is located in Belgium. The main research and production centres are located in Belgium, the United States, Canada, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Austria, China and Brazil. Agfa is present in over 40 countries around the world through its fully controlled retailers.

For more information about the product visit the dedicated page.


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