
Content Orchestration, webinar by GMDE

Published on
2020-07-14 00:00:00

The neutral content behind new ways of multichannel publishing

It was recently held the first webinar proposed by GMDE dedicated to periodical publishing, held by Dario Meroni, sales manager of the publishing systems, Roberta Campani, senior application specialist, Giuliana Dusi, marketing manager, and with the participation of Tom Pijsel, Product Manager of Woodwing.

Content Orchestration

From research carried out by Nielsen in 2018, it has been estimated that users spend more than 11 hours a day reading, listening, looking at content. Not only that but also interacting with the producers of these contents commenting and sharing the contents themselves. 
The natural consequence is a multiplication of content in the network and the sharing channels used. Users need to be involved with something that keeps their attention high and that satisfies their thirst for curiosity. They are willing to buy content whose real value they recognize. The contents become the glue for the creation of lasting relationships with users.
Many contents to be produced requires enabling technologies, a review of the processes of creation and dissemination, greater involvement of actors, whether internal or external to the editorial staff.
So, just as in an 'orchestra that needs to be guided for the concert to be a success, even the creation and sharing of content must be managed at its best.
You have to start thinking differently by taking neutral content into account.

The neutral content

Is it possible to review the way of publishing starting from a content whose final destination is not defined a priori?
Yes, with an editorial system able to do, even before as a content-sharing, archive and organizer of editorial material.
But what benefits can one derive from this completely new way of producing content?
First of all the enrichment. The editor who produces a content arrives at the final draft collecting images, video cues, related posts. It can then use all the material collected to make it even more engaging reading its content. It will then be the channel chosen for the publication of the content to define which of the story material will actually be used.
In addition to the publication, we should not forget the cataloguing and archive of everything that has been produced.

A new way of publishing in the world of magazines and books

GMDE proposes itself as a consultant in the field of production and content management. Always looking for solutions that can bring innovation he chose years ago to propose the publishing system and the digital archive of WoodWing, Dutch software house active in the publishing market. Products in continuous development that adapt to the continuous changes in this sector.
After the success of the first webinar, GMDE and Woodwing will re-propose the appointment!
On September 30 at 11:30, do not miss, register!


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