
From pandemic to the new normal: the evolution of the digital content industry

Published on
2022-12-12 00:00:00

Closing conference of the Digital Content Observatory edition 2022

December 13, 2022
online - su Osservatori.net e in presenza presso l’Aula De Carli Politecnico

Edificio B9, Campus Durando, via Durando 10, Milano

In 2020-21, the pandemic has given a propulsive boost to the digital content sector, both by increasing consumer needs and real enjoyment.
Parallel increases in user education and awareness toward digital seen as an increasingly value-added content fruition tool have increased.

Even now, in 2022, growth in the sector continues to find fertile ground thanks in part to a market that in content production and distribution is looking to frontier technologies, from artificial intelligence to blockchain, from virtual reality to the metaverse to give a unique user experience.
A return by the population to pre-Covid habits has also been noted, with a newfound consumption of content in a physical and experiential mode.

The objective of the Research Observatory dedicated to Digital Content is precisely to present the performance of the digital content distribution market in Italy, the evolution of consumer behaviour, supply chain technological development and industry trends.


The conference


The Conference presenting the 2022 research results details a snapshot of the Italian digital content sector, with particular attention to the world of digital audio (music, podcasts and audiobooks), entertainment video, information and eBooks, and finally gaming, with the ultimate goal of understanding its size, evolution and current trends.


The conference will also answer questions such as:

  • How is the fruition behaviour of the Italian digital content consumer evolving?
  • How much is the digital content distribution market worth in Italy?
  • What role does the illicit distribution of digital content play in the Italian market?
  • What are the main directions of innovation and what are the opportunities and critical issues dictated by new digital technologies in the digital content market?


The conference agenda

9:15 Registration and Welcome Coffee


9:30 Introduces and chairs

Samuele Fraternali, Director, Digital Content Observatory, Politecnico di Milano


9:45 Speech “The Italian consumer of digital content”

Antonio Filoni, Partner and Head of BU Digital & Innovation, BVA Doxa


10:00 Speech “The illicit dissemination of digital content”

Bianca Terracciano, Digital Services Directorate official, AGCOM


10:20 Presentation of Research Results “Digital Audio: Music, Podcasts and Audiobooks” and discussion

Cristina Marengon

Researcher, Digital Content Observatory, Politecnico di Milano

Enzo Mazza


Mirko Lagonegro

CEO & Co-founder, MDE

Miriam Spinnato

Head of digital sales trade, Mondadori Group


10:50 Presentation of “News & eBook” research results and discussion

Samuele Fraternali

Director, Digital Content Observatory, Politecnico di Milano

Giuliana Dusi


Fabio Napoli

Director, Digital Business Area News Italy, RCS

Simona Zanette

CEO, Hearst Digital SA


11:20 Presentation of “Gaming” Research results and discussion

Samuele Fraternali

Director, Digital Content Observatory, Politecnico di Milano

Paolo Antonietti

Senior Advisor, Digital Content Observatory, Politecnico di Milano

Laura D’Angeli

Senior Advisor, Digital Content Observatory, Politecnico di Milano

Harpreet Singh

Innovation and platform expert, Sisal Entertainment


11:50 Presentation of the results of Research “The Video Entertainment”

Samuele Fraternali

Director of the Digital Content Observatory, Politecnico di Milano


12:00 Talk “The experience and strategy of a creator”

Andrea Moccia, Disclosure, Founder and Director, Geopop


12:15 Discussion of the results of Research “The Video Entertainment”

Andrea Lamperti

Senior Advisor, Digital Content Observatory, Politecnico di Milano

Vicinio Bernardini

Founder & CEO, KSOFT

Marco Dall’Olio

Digital Marketing Manager, Mediaset Infinity

Gianluca Fagone Buscimese

Recommendation and Targeting Manager, RaiPlay

Sabrina Lunetta

Head of Digital Content, La7

Andrea David Rizzi

Head of Media & Sports Partnerships, YouTube Italy

13:00 Closing of the proceedings



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