Published on
December 13, 2018

Happy Birthday GMDE

Published on
2018-12-13 00:00:00

25 years of experience

Yes, today December 13 GMDE turns 25!

Many years, many adventures, many customers, many projects closed.
And who knows GMDE knows how much has changed in these 25 years.
Created to meet the assistance needs of the editors who used the Crosfield systems, it has expanded over the years to cover the needs of print centers and ultimately the marketing departments of companies.

Thanks to Gilberto, Marino, Dario and Enio, here are the important dates of the GMDE history.

GMDE, our history

1993 - GMDE (Gil, Marino, Dario, Enio) is set up, based in Agrate, to provide assistance on the publishing systems installed by Crosfield.

1995 - With Crosfield in bankruptcy, the shareholders decide to start a Sinedita publishing system, which will then be taken care of.

1995 - The first operation of Sinedita by GMDE is made to "L'Avvenire" completely performed by GMDE technicians.

1995 - GMDE grows and expands, acquiring the commercial and technical areas dedicated to the prepress area from Crosfield. It starts with the management of Dupont assistance contracts.

1996 - After having decided to start a sale for Sinedita in Gazzetta del Sud (Messina).

1997 - A new project starts with the collaboration with HIT for the sale of the Intellinet.

1998 - Year in which AGFA takes over Dupont, acquires the Intellinet and begins the historical collaboration with GMDE.

1998 - A small project originated in GMDE on the offer of the creation of a historical archive dedicated to newspapers. They will adhere to the project that will last a few years tested such as Giornale di Brescia and Eco di Bergamo.

2000 - With the beginning of the first websites GMDE dedicates to try and approach the world of the web

2000 - With Intellinet GMDE it begins to follow the sending of the pages of "Il Corriere della sera" via broadcasting all over the world.

2002 - GMDE decides to abandon Sinedita to start publishing the Tera publishing system.

2003 - First example of virtual sheeting followed by GMDE with the "Gazzetta del Sud"

2004 - Thanks to GN3 of Tera born "Sardinia" and E-polis with the first experience of the logic of shared editions

2004 - Based on the example of E-polis, the current DMedia is born, completely complete for installation, training and start-up, from GMDE

2005 - The era of full color begins. Installation boom at the Computer to Plate press centers

2005 - The prepress proposal is extended. Plate punching and bending machines added to the product package.

2009 - The newspaper cloud processing plant is born. Il Fatto Quotidiano is born, the first newspaper created entirely in the cloud and with the GN3 editorial system

2011 - GN3 evolves and becomes GN4, but has become a product of Miles33

2013 - The prepress proposal is complete with the solutions dedicated to color control and inking for the rotary presses.

2014 - Sicily, thanks to the solutions proposed by GMDE, publishes in multi-channel, on paper, virtual leafing and website

2015 - Opening to the industry. GMDE understands that it has a high level of content management skills and that it can be implemented in an omnichannel manner.

2016 - The Truth is born relying completely on GMDE, a sign that publishing in Italy is not dead as many now say, and that recognizes in GMDE a unique and reliable partner.

So many things have happened in 25 years, many others are about to happen. GMDE will certainly continue to grow, increase its experience, meet new customers and with them win new challenges in the field of innovation.

Today is a special day for us at GMDE, but if we are here we owe it to all publishers, printers, customers from other markets, the partners who believed us.

Happy birthday GMDE, a hundred and a hundred more these days.



The customers with whom GMDE works daily are more than 100 and... they are all satisfied

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