
Pimcore, consolidated the partnership with GMDE 

Published on
2021-03-19 00:00:00

A 2021 that started off great with new projects starting! 

GMDE, Pimcore’s strategic partner for Italy for some time now, contributes significantly to the constant development of the architecture of the platform as well as to the study and subsequent development of new modules and strategies for the Italian market. A market, the Italian one, characterized by a percentage of presence of Smes unique in the world and therefore with certain requirements of modularity, efficiency and granularity.

GMDE, what we make

GMDE supports more and more companies every day in their journey of process innovation and digital transformation, transformation that also passes, but not only, through the choice of the most suitable solution.

Precisely for this reason GMDE has chosen to propose a solution designed immediately to be able to transform and evolve over time along with the needs of the company itself, gradually moving towards a digital way of working that will bring many benefits in terms of efficiency, productivity, security, market opportunities.

The choice to propose a modular solution also wants to meet the production needs of companies without facing investments not aligned with their portfolio. This happens more and more often when suppliers do not adapt their growth strategies to those of customers. 

Pimcore, its role

Here Pimcore comes into play, a highly flexible digital platform that can be configured for every need among the most well-known and used in the world with over 80,000 companies that have already successfully adopted it. Pimcore, we remind you, is an open source platform that is PIM (product information management), DAM (digital asset management), MDM (master data management), CDP (customer data platform), WebCMS, E-commerce platform and much more…
In practice, as previously anticipated, a highly scalable solution that allows you to immediately solve the contingent problems of any company and then evolve over time together with the business communication needs.
An increasingly integrated solution covering all physical and digital channels such as catalogs, price lists, brochures, manuals and technical sheets, website/s, e-commerce, marketplace and finally all the social channels that the company will want to use to promote itself and its products, in any language!
A unique, harmonious tool that makes communication management simple and intuitive, highly controllable and error-proof as it eliminates all data passages from and to the outside.

GMDE and Pimcore, our projects

Many successful projects are today the result of this close collaboration between Pimcore and GMDE, and just to mention some of the product types and sizes totally different from each other we can list: B&B Italia, Telwin, IMAS Grafica, La Meccanica, IVAR, Triulzi, Ivela, Jumbo Group, Evoca, Album, among those who first chose OIM Omnichannel Information Management, the GMDE solution based on Pimcore technology for their Digital Transformation. 



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