Published on
September 2, 2019

Quality news can be bought at newsstands!

Published on
2019-09-02 00:00:00

Publishers and newspapers, a garrison for freedom.

The campaign promoted by FIEG, Federazione Italiana Editori Giornali, to promote printed information continues after the summer.

In the communication on the initiative, FIEG starts the campaign "Buy a newspaper. Choose quality information", a campaign dedicated to sensitizing citizens to the importance of buying and not just reading newspapers. Because the purchase of a newspaper makes the press free and independent, it reaffirms the role of newsstands as a fundamental place for the circulation of the press and recognizes them as real spaces of democracy and safeguards of freedom. Last but not least, the purchase of a newspaper underlines the value of quality information"


"This further initiative of the FIEG to promote the press, as a fundamental and irreplaceable tool of knowledge of reality, and of the newsstand" Andrea Monti, FIEG's president "commits all the daily newspapers and periodicals associated and addressed directly to the citizen, to invite him to support with the purchase of the newspaper in newsstands quality information and a space of democracy".

GMDE alongside publishers and printers

Born in the publishing sector 25 years ago, GMDE feels called to support this campaign of FIEG, not only to promote quality information, but also quality printing. The newspaper arrives at newsstands thanks to the contribution of journalists, publishers and printers!

And all around them companies working constantly to get the most out of the editing teamwork and optimize the costs during printing.
Efficiency is the watchword of today's publishing, to provide readers with quality information.




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