
Growing, beyond complexity

Published on
2024-07-19 00:00:00

Facing Uncertainties with Innovation, to Win Future B2B Marketing Challenges (H2H)

October 16, 2024
Milano Auditorium Giò Ponti c/o Assolombarda

Via Pantano, 9 - 20122 - Milano (MI)

Following the great success of the previous five editions, which attracted over 4000 participants, the B2B Marketing Conference returns as the hub of innovation in B2B marketing. GMDE, a member of ANES, is sponsoring the event titled "GROWING, BEYOND COMPLEXITY - Facing Uncertainties with Innovation, to Win Future B2B Marketing Challenges (H2H)," which will be held on Wednesday, October 16 in Milan, at the Auditorium Giò Ponti of Assolombarda, and streamed live.


The event represents an unmissable opportunity for industry professionals who want to discover the most effective tools for overcoming new B2B business challenges.


The 4 Key Themes
The program for the day will focus on four thematic areas:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Marketing Automation Artificial Intelligence will increasingly become the core of the business operational model for product innovation, and companies will need to develop a concrete AI strategy. At the same time, any marketing department needs to understand the new data analysis and automation processes to generate new leads.
  • B2B E-commerce: Present and Future B2B companies need more than just an innovative E-commerce platform; they need to continually equip it with increasingly high-performing tools, such as product customization options, hyper-targeted discount mechanisms, and the ability to rely on partners with a global vision.
  • Omnichannel and the Evolution of the Communication Ecosystem Ongoing changes are revolutionizing the communication ecosystem. Strategically, analysing which new communication channels more effectively reach target communities is necessary. There will also be a focus on how AI will further personalize the message.
  • Digital Marketing and Digital Sustainability Correct SEO, the most effective content for websites and posts, continuous dialogue with the target audience, and the right social media strategy are all activities that need continuous updating. Understanding how to use digital tools sustainably to support businesses in building a better world is also essential.


This LINK provides the official conference presentation with all information on the thematic sessions.


GMDE is excited to support and participate in this important event, reaffirming its commitment to innovation and growth in the B2B marketing sector.


We look forward to seeing you! Register for the event on the dedicated page!



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